Archives mensuelles : janvier 2018

Parution d’ “High-Rise Urbanism”, numéro spécial de Built Environment

Parution d’un numéro spécial de Built Environment, “High-Rise Urbanism in Contemporary Europe”, numéro coordonné par Manuel Appert (EVS), Martine Drozdz (LATTS) et Andrew Harris (UCL)

This issue of Built Environment explores the processes of contemporary European urban verticalization and examines what these recent upward trajectories indicate about the social, political, economic and cultural dynamics of European urbanization. Through a combination of particular case-studies from across Europe, the issue investigates the relationship in European cities between high-rise built fabric and planning regimes, financial flows, cultural representations, technical innovations, and forms of modernist heritage.

La liste des contributions :

Plus d’infos sur ce numéro :